According to the blood pressure machine in the pharmacy department of my local grocery store, my blood pressure has come down quite a bit, at least the systolic has. (My doctor told me that those machines are more or less accurate.) For as long as I can remember, my blood pressure has been around 135/85. Usually it measures a little bit higher in the doctor's office. As usual, that concerned me more than it concerned my doctor, but he had me wear a machine that checked my blood pressure every 15 minutes for 24 hours. During the night it falls very low - down to something like 99/50. My doctor said that variation over the course of the day tells him there's nothing particularly worrisome about it seeming high when I get a checkup - white coat syndrome.
Still, I don't like the fact that I hover in between prehypertension and hypertension on the little chart on the machine there in the grocery store. Today when I checked it, it was 117/83. That 117 puts me in the normal range for systolic.
Is it all due to eating a Primal/Paleo type diet? Who knows. Still, the blood pressure combined with the absence of seasonal allergies and asthma is encouraging me to keep with it.
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